“How do you get to Carnegie Hall?”

There’s an old joke that goes something like, “The absent-minded maestro was racing up New York’s Seventh Avenue to a rehearsal when a stranger stopped him. “Pardon me,” he said, “can you tell me how to get to Carnegie Hall?” “Yes,” answered the maestro breathlessly. “Practice!” For technical divers, practice is no joke. It may be cliche to say that sharp skills can […]

Shipwrecks: A Non-Renewable Resource

Technical diver exploring shipwreck

Great Lakes wreck divers are justifiably proud of the wrecks we get to explore. Unlike their saltwater cousins, wrecks in the Great Lakes, wooden wrecks in particular, remain in amazing condition even after 100 years of immersion. For me, the Great Lakes comprise the greatest collection of shipwrecks in the world. We have wooden sailing ships, paddle wheel steamers, freighters, whalebacks, […]

Preparing for Dive Class

two people sitting on beach looking at book

This is the time of year that my course schedule for the summer really begins to gel.  The holidays are over, winter has set in, people start thinking about the dive season and what they would like to accomplish this year.  Some divers set their sights on getting additional training and taking their diving to a new level. Once a person […]